kim-api  2.3.0+v2.3.0.GNU.GNU.
An Application Programming Interface (API) for the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM).
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // KIM-API: An API for interatomic models
3 // Copyright (c) 2013--2022, Regents of the University of Minnesota.
4 // All rights reserved.
5 //
6 // Contributors:
7 // Ryan S. Elliott
8 //
9 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
10 //
11 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22 // along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23 // Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
24 //
27 #include "KIM_Collection.hpp"
29 #include "KIM_Collections.hpp"
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <string>
33 void dirsForCollection(KIM::Collection const collection,
34  KIM::Collections * const col)
35 {
36  int extent = 0;
38  {
39  using namespace KIM::COLLECTION_ITEM_TYPE;
40  col->CacheListOfDirectoryNames(collection, modelDriver, &extent);
41  std::cout << collection.ToString() << ":" << modelDriver.ToString()
42  << " :\n";
43  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
44  {
45  std::string const * dir;
46  col->GetDirectoryName(i, &dir);
47  std::cout << "\t" << *dir << std::endl;
48  }
50  extent = 0;
51  col->CacheListOfDirectoryNames(collection, portableModel, &extent);
52  std::cout << collection.ToString() << ":" << portableModel.ToString()
53  << " :\n";
54  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
55  {
56  std::string const * dir;
57  col->GetDirectoryName(i, &dir);
58  std::cout << "\t" << *dir << std::endl;
59  }
61  extent = 0;
62  col->CacheListOfDirectoryNames(collection, simulatorModel, &extent);
63  std::cout << collection.ToString() << ":" << simulatorModel.ToString()
64  << " :\n";
65  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
66  {
67  std::string const * dir;
68  col->GetDirectoryName(i, &dir);
69  std::cout << "\t" << *dir << std::endl;
70  }
71  }
72 }
75 {
76  using namespace KIM::COLLECTION_ITEM_TYPE;
77  int extent;
79  std::cout << kc.ToString() << ":" << modelDriver.ToString() << " :\n";
80  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
81  {
82  std::string const * name;
83  col->GetItemNameByCollectionAndType(i, &name);
84  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
85  }
87  std::cout << kc.ToString() << ":" << portableModel.ToString() << " :\n";
88  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
89  {
90  std::string const * name;
91  col->GetItemNameByCollectionAndType(i, &name);
92  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
93  }
95  std::cout << kc.ToString() << ":" << simulatorModel.ToString() << " :\n";
96  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
97  {
98  std::string const * name;
99  col->GetItemNameByCollectionAndType(i, &name);
100  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
101  }
102 }
105 int main()
106 {
107  KIM::Collections * col;
109  int error = KIM::Collections::Create(&col);
111  if (error)
112  {
113  std::cerr << "Unable to create collections object." << std::endl;
114  return 1;
115  }
117  {
118  std::string const * project;
119  std::string const * semVer;
120  col->GetProjectNameAndSemVer(&project, &semVer);
122  std::cout << "Project : " << *project << std::endl;
123  std::cout << "semVer : " << *semVer << std::endl;
124  std::cout << std::endl;
125  }
127  {
128  std::string const * name;
130  &name);
132  << " env name : " << *name << std::endl;
133  std::cout << std::endl;
134  }
135  {
136  std::string const * name;
138  &name);
140  << " env name : " << *name << std::endl;
141  std::cout << std::endl;
142  }
143  {
144  std::string const * name;
146  &name);
148  << " env name : " << *name << std::endl;
149  std::cout << std::endl;
150  }
153  {
154  std::string const * name;
155  std::string const * value;
156  col->GetConfigurationFileEnvironmentVariable(&name, &value);
157  std::cout << "config file env name : " << *name << std::endl
158  << "config file env value: " << *value << std::endl;
159  std::cout << std::endl;
160  }
163  {
164  std::string const * fileName;
165  col->GetConfigurationFileName(&fileName);
166  std::cout << "config file name : " << *fileName << std::endl;
167  std::cout << std::endl;
168  }
171  {
172  using namespace KIM::COLLECTION;
174  dirsForCollection(user, col);
177  std::cout << std::endl;
178  }
181  {
182  using namespace KIM::COLLECTION;
184  namesForCollection(user, col);
187  std::cout << std::endl;
188  }
191  {
192  using namespace KIM::COLLECTION_ITEM_TYPE;
193  int extent;
195  std::cout << modelDriver.ToString() << " :\n";
196  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
197  {
198  std::string const * name;
199  col->GetItemNameByType(i, &name);
200  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
201  }
203  std::cout << portableModel.ToString() << " :\n";
204  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
205  {
206  std::string const * name;
207  col->GetItemNameByType(i, &name);
208  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
209  }
211  std::cout << simulatorModel.ToString() << " :\n";
212  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
213  {
214  std::string const * name;
215  col->GetItemNameByType(i, &name);
216  std::cout << "\t" << *name << std::endl;
217  }
218  }
220  {
221  std::string const * fileName;
222  KIM::Collection collection;
223  int error = col->GetItemLibraryFileNameAndCollection(
225  "Sim_LAMMPS_LJcut_AkersonElliott_Alchemy_PbAu",
226  &fileName,
227  &collection);
228  if (!error)
229  std::cout
230  << "Simulator Model Sim_LAMMPS_LJcut_AkersonElliott_Alchemy_PbAu"
231  << " has library name '" << *fileName << "' and is part of the '"
232  << collection.ToString() << "' collection." << std::endl;
233  else
234  std::cout << "Error from GetItemLibraryFileNameAndCollection."
235  << std::endl;
236  }
238  {
239  int extent;
240  int error = col->CacheListOfItemMetadataFiles(
242  "Sim_LAMMPS_LJcut_AkersonElliott_Alchemy_PbAu",
243  &extent);
244  if (error)
245  std::cout << "Error from CacheListOfItemMetadataFiles." << std::endl;
246  else
247  {
248  std::string const * fileName;
249  unsigned int fileLength;
250  unsigned char const * fileRawData;
251  int availableAsString;
252  std::string const * fileString;
253  for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i)
254  {
255  col->GetItemMetadataFile(i,
256  &fileName,
257  &fileLength,
258  &fileRawData,
259  &availableAsString,
260  &fileString);
261  std::cout << "Metadata File " << i << ", " << *fileName
262  << ", is of length " << fileLength << std::endl
263  << *fileString << std::endl;
264  }
265  }
266  }
269  return 0;
270 }
int main()
int CacheListOfItemMetadataFiles(CollectionItemType const itemType, std::string const &itemName, int *const extent)
Cache a list of an item&#39;s metadata files.
int GetItemLibraryFileNameAndCollection(CollectionItemType const itemType, std::string const &itemName, std::string const **const fileName, Collection *const collection) const
Get the item&#39;s library file name and its KIM::Collection.
int CacheListOfItemNamesByCollectionAndType(Collection const collection, CollectionItemType const itemType, int *const extent)
Cache a list of all item names of a specific type in a specific collection.
int GetItemNameByType(int const index, std::string const **const itemName) const
Get the name of an item from the cached list.
int GetEnvironmentVariableName(CollectionItemType const itemType, std::string const **const name) const
Get the names of environment variables that store configuration settings for the KIM::COLLECTION::env...
void namesForCollection(KIM::Collection kc, KIM::Collections *const col)
Collection const currentWorkingDirectory
The standard currentWorkingDirectory Collection.
Contains the enumeration constants and the discovery routines for the CollectionItemType Extensible E...
static int Create(Collections **const collections)
Create a new KIM API Collections object.
CollectionItemType const simulatorModel
The standard simulatorModel CollectionItemType.
Provides the interface to the KIM API Collections and is meant to be used by simulators.
CollectionItemType const portableModel
The standard portableModel CollectionItemType.
Collection const user
The standard user Collection.
static void Destroy(Collections **const collections)
Destroy a previously Collections::Create&#39;d object.
std::string const & ToString() const
Converts the object to a string.
void GetConfigurationFileEnvironmentVariable(std::string const **const name, std::string const **const value) const
Get the name and value of the environment variable that stores the name of the KIM API user configura...
Contains the enumeration constants and the discovery routines for the Collection Extensible Enumerati...
Collection const environmentVariable
The standard environmentVariable Collection.
An Extensible Enumeration for the Collection&#39;s supported by the KIM API.
int GetDirectoryName(int const index, std::string const **const directoryName) const
Get the name of a directory from the cached list.
int CacheListOfItemNamesByType(CollectionItemType const itemType, int *const extent)
Cache a list of all item names of a specific type in the KIM API collections.
std::string const & ToString() const
Converts the object to a string.
CollectionItemType const modelDriver
The standard modelDriver CollectionItemType.
int GetItemNameByCollectionAndType(int const index, std::string const **const itemName) const
Get the name of an item from the cached list.
Collection const system
The standard system Collection.
void GetProjectNameAndSemVer(std::string const **const projectName, std::string const **const semVer) const
Get the KIM API project name and full Semantic Version string.
void GetConfigurationFileName(std::string const **const fileName) const
Get the absolute file and path name of the KIM API user configuration file.
int GetItemMetadataFile(int const index, std::string const **const fileName, unsigned int *const fileLength, unsigned char const **const fileRawData, int *const availableAsString, std::string const **const fileString) const
Get the name and content of one of an item&#39;s metadata files.
void dirsForCollection(KIM::Collection const collection, KIM::Collections *const col)
int CacheListOfDirectoryNames(Collection const collection, CollectionItemType const itemType, int *const extent)
Cache a list of directory names where a specific KIM API collection stores library files for a specif...